ZMC Mallee

Chelated Trace Elements

ZMC Mallee is chelated Zinc, Manganese, Copper, and Molybdenum with a highly effective chelating agent for superior absorption, quick uptake of nutrients with rainfast properties.

Can be applied as a foliar spray or in furrow at seeding.

Filtered to 100 microns for easy application.

  • Highly effective lignosulphonate chelating agent

  • Superior absorption with rainfast properties

Available in 1000L


Typical Analysis Amount
pH 3.8
Specific Gravity 1.32
Major Elements
Zinc 6.3 %w/v
Manganese 5.1 %w/v
Copper 1.5 %w/v
Molybdenum 0.1 %w/v
Sulfur 6.9 %w/v

Application Rates

Crop Rate/Ha Application Timing
Cereals 2-4L

Apply at leaf stage. 

Legumes 2-4L

Apply when sufficient foliage is present.

Spray as required. 

Pasture 2-5L

Apply when sufficient foliage is present.

Spray as required. 

Lucerne 3-5L

Apply when sufficient foliage is present.

Spray as required. 

Seeding in Furrow 2-4L Apply at planting.