Concentrated Liquid Humate
Humic 26%
Humic 26% is a concentrated humic acid which has the benefits of improving soil fertility, reducing the need for chemical fertilisers, and promoting healthier, more productive crops. It supports soil regeneration, helps fight soil erosion, and boosts crop yields. Humic acid also improves root growth and strength
Filtered to 100 microns for easy application.
Restores soil carbon and fertility
Increases water holding capacity
Improves soil biology
Buffer against sodium and salt in irrigation water
Available in 20L - 200L - 1000L
Typical Analysis | Amount |
pH | 4.1 |
Specific Gravity | 1.10 |
Humate/Fulvate | 26 %w/v |
Potassium | 5 %w/v |
Application Rates
Crop | Rate/Ha | Application Timing |
Vines | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Citrus | 3-5 Litres | Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Stone and Pome Fruit | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Vegetables | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Olives | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Avocados | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Tree Nuts | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Berries | 3-5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Cereals and Broadacre | 1-2 Litres |
Apply as required |
Golf Courses and Ovals | 5 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Seed Dressing | 1-2 Litres per Tonne of Seed | |
Fertigation | 10-20 Litres |
Apply every 2-4 weeks or as required |
Hydroponics | 2ml per Litre | Apply early in the growing period |
Home Garden | 40ml per 10 Litre | Apply as required |