Cal Mag

Chelated Trace Element

Cal Mag is a high quality Chelated formula with Calcium, Nitrogen & Magnesium. Calcium helps strengthen cell walls. Magnesium is the powerhouse behind photosynthesis which gives plants their colour while Nitrogen is important for growth.

Can be applied as a foliar spray, fertigation or hydroponics.

Filtered to 100 microns for easy application.

  • Improves fruit quality and colour

  • Chelated for superior nutrient uptake

Available in 20L - 200L - 1000L


Typical Analysis Amount
pH 3.8
Specific Gravity 1.37
Major Elements
Calcium 14 %w/v
Nitrogen 12 %w/v
Magnesium 1.5 %w/v

Application Rates

Crop Rate/ha Application Timing
Vines 3-5L

At bud burst, fruit set and 2 weeks later 

Citrus 4-6L

Pre-flowering, fruit set and 4-6 weeks later

Stone and Pome Fruit 3-5L

At bud burst, fruit set and 2 weeks later

Avocado 3-5L

At bud burst, fruit set and 2 weeks later

Vegetables 2-4L

From 4-6 leaf 2-5 applications

Potatoes 4-6L

At hooking and tuber set

Broadacre 2-4L

When sufficient foliage is present spray as required

Soil Drench 10-25L

Prior to planting

Fertigation 10-25L

As required, apply in the middle of irrigation to allow flushing

Hydroponics 8-10L per 1000L of water