Spray Activator Surfactant


Bowa™ Spray Activator Surfactant is an organic biodegradable oil based product. When used in mixture with horticultural and agricultural foliar sprays it improves spray effectiveness by improving distribution, uptake and penetration. The product reduces droplet evaporation and can minimise drift and improve rainfastness. Bowa™ can be used on a wide range of horticultural and agricultural crops.

  • Organic biodegradable non-ionic surfactant

  • Increases spray droplet spread & absorption

  • Assists in spray drift control & rainfastness

  • For use with herbicides, insecticides & foliar fertilizers

Available in 20L - 200L - 1000L

Application Rates

Crop Rate/100L Critical Comments
Vines - Grapevines 50ml-100ml Use at the lower rate on young vines and before foliage has developed
Pome Fruit - Apple, Pear
Stone Fruit - Apricots, Peaches, Plum, Nectarine
Citrus - Lemon, Lime, Mandarin, Orange
25ml-100ml Use the low rate early in the growing season
Vegetables - Cabbage, Capsicum, Pumpkin, Lettuce, Tomato, Zucchini
Other Crops - Rock Melon
50ml-100ml Avoid spraying at the heat of the day. Use 50ml early in the growing season and 100ml later
Broadacre Crops
(Low volume boom spray)
Cereals and Pastures
100ml-200ml When mixing with herbicides add 100ml/100L if broadleaved weeds are being controlled.
If grassy weeds are being controlled add 200ml/100L
Weed Control - Orchard 100ml-200ml Use the high rate when weed growth is dense

Directions for Use

DO NOT exceed a rate of 200ml Bowa per 100L of spray solution

DO NOT add undiluted to undiluted pesticides or foliar fertilisers

DO NOT wet leaves excessively when spraying as this encourages run-off