BIOBLEND is a MAP granule COATED with HUMATES and FULVATES with the addition of a COMPOST GRANULE .
Biologically Coated Granular Fertiliser
BIOBLEND with Bacillus spp bacteria in the coating to biologically enhance the conversion of plant available nutrients for greater uptake.
The Bacillus, acts as a phosphorous recovery bacteria which improves the soil's capacity to release stored nutrients and elements such as soluble Silicates. Elements are protected from leaching and lock up by the Humic acid coating.
BIOBLEND is a homogenous blend that is biologically balanced and active.
BIOBLEND assists beneficial organisms to improve water holding capacity and soil structure. Lignite carbons are added and support beneficial biota, reducing the antagonistic organisms.
Dispatch from Agfert, Balaklava, SA*