Concentrated Blend of Biostimulants


A highly concentrated mixture of 6 biostimulants to that enhance soil microbial activity and promote plant health.

  • Fish for nitrogen fixation and source of amino acids and proteins

  • Seaweed as a soil conditioner and plant stress reliever

  • Molasses to feed microbes and boost sugar levels

  • Fulvic acid to aid nutrient uptake

  • Amino acids for nitrogen absorption and plant building

  • Humic acid to improve water retention and increase soil carbon

Filtered to 100 micron for easy application 

  • Increased resistance to drought and environmental stressors

  • Improves fruit quality, colour, and sugar levels

  • Promotes overall plant and soil health

Available in 20L - 200L - 1000L


Typical Analysis Amount
pH 4.1
Specific Gravity 1.07
Nitrogen 2.1 %w/v
Phosphorus 0.45 %w/v
Potassium 2.5 %w/v
Calcium 2029 mg/L
Sulfur 1530 mg/L
Magnesium 802 mg/L
Iron 4.1 mg/L
Zinc 12.5 mg/L

Application Rates

Crop Rate/Ha Application Timing
Vines 3-6 Litres At 5-10cm cane, full bloom, berry set, and 4 weeks later
Citrus 3-6 Litres 100mm new growth flush, 2 weeks pre-bloom, petal fall; repeat every 4 weeks
Stone and Pome Fruit 3-6 Litres

Bud burst, early fruit formation and 3-4 weeks later 

Vegetables 3-6 Litres

2-3 weeks after emergence then every 2-3 weeks until harvest 

Olives 3-6 Litres

2 weeks pre-bloom then every 3-4 weeks until harvest 

Avocados 3-6 Litres

Start of regrowth, 2 weeks pre-bloom, 2 weeks after petal fall then every 3-4 weeks until harvest 

Tree Nuts 3-6 Litres

3 applications from flowering 

Berries 3-5 Litres

After transplant, prior to flowering then every 2-3 weeks in picking season 

Cereals and Broadacre 3-5 Litres

First node, flag leaf and after any environmental stress 

Golf Courses and Ovals 4-5 Litres

Apply every 2-3 weeks during the growth season

Seed Dressing 5 Litres per Tonne of Seed
Transplanting 1-200 Dilution

Apply to seedling tray as a drench 2-5 days before transplanting 

Frost and Heat Stress 4-7 Litres Every 14-21 days during risk period
Fertigation 10-20 Litres As required
Home Garden  30ml per 10 Litres As required