Organic Nitrogen Source/Stress Reliever

amino Acid

A highly concentrated mixture of 17 amino acids with 9% nitrogen which is directly plant available. Amino acids are the building blocks for plant growth. They increase cell wall strength, chlorophyll production, photosynthesis, and enhance nutrient uptake. Amino acids notably act as a stress reliever helping the plant better deal with drought, water logging, extreme temperatures, salinity, and damage from chemical application

Filtered to 100 micron for easy application 

  • A highly concentrated source of 17 amino acids

  • Natural stress reliever

  • Source of bioavailable organic nitrogen

Available in 20L - 200L - 1000L


Typical Analysis Amount
pH 6.8
Specific Gravity 1.8
Nitrogen 9 %w/v

Application Rates

Crop Rate/Ha Application Timing
Orchards and Vines 2-4 Litres  Apply pre-flowering until fruit development; 3-6 applications
Vegetables 2-5 Litres Early application fro rapid starter; 4-6 applications ate 10-14 day intervals early in growing cycle until fruit set
Hydroponics 2ml per Litre Apply in growing period
Fertigation 3-5 Litres 3-6 applications in the crop growing cycle
Stress Recovery 2-5 Litres Every 7 days on crops suffering from environmental stress
Broadacre 1-2 Litres 2 applications at tillering and flag leaf
Home Gardener 30-40ml per 10 litres Apply as required