Premium 9-9-9 NPK + Biostimulants

All Rounder

All Rounder is a premium fully chelated & complexed liquid NPK blend of nitrogen, phosphorous & potassium plus organic seaweed for overall plant and soil health

Filtered to 100 microns for easy application.

  • Balanced NPK for all crop types

  • Added biostimulants for increased absorption and plant health

  • Promotes soil health

Available in 200L - 1000L


Typical Analysis Amount
pH 6.0
Specific Gravity 1.28
Nitrogen 9.0 %w/v
Nitrogen as Urea 7.13 %w/v
Nitrogen as Ammonium 2.1 %w/v
Phosphorus 9.1 %w/v
Phosphorus as Water Soluble 9.1 %w/v
Potassium 9.2 %w/v
Zinc 451 mg/L
Manganese 340 mg/L
Calcium 203 mg/L
Biostimulants 5 %w/v
Chelating Agents 5 %w/v

Application Rates

Rate/Ha Application Timing
Foliar Spray 3-7 Litres

Use as required. Horticulture: minimum of 300L/ha of water. Broadacre: minimum of 80L/ha of water 

Fertigation 5-30 Litres

Apply near end of irrigation shift. Allow adequate clean irrigation water to pass through all irrigation supply pipes to flush lines after fertigation

Use as required